CCASAPE Employees - Find a Doctor or Provider

Welcome, Clark County Association of School Administrators and Professional-Technical Employees.

PPO Provider Search (Expanded Plan)

PPO benefits give you additional provider choices with set copayments for routine care. After meeting a calendar year deductible, you will pay coinsurance for non-routine covered services.

PPO Expanded Plan providers are included in the provider directories for Sierra Health and Life, Northern Nevada Health Network and UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus.

Outside of Nevada, Mohave County, AZ, or Washington County, UT?

You may have access to the Choice Plus network of providers outside of the state of Nevada, Mohave County, Arizona and Washington County, Utah.

Please note: UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Network must appear on the back of your health plan ID card in the area labeled Network in order to access the Choice Plus network. (See red highlighted area below:)


If your card includes the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network, use the All Other Service Areas Provider Search.

Non-Plan Provider Benefits

Non-Plan Provider benefits give you the choice to see any licensed health care provider. This benefit level offers you the most provider options, but your out-of-pocket costs will be higher. All non-emergency services have a calendar year deductible and a higher coinsurance payment than under the tier II benefit level. Please note that Non-Plan Providers do not accept the HPN Reimbursement Schedule as payment in full for covered services. This means you will be responsible for any fees charged by the Non-Plan Provider that exceed the HPN Reimbursement Schedule.

Non-Plan Provider benefits includes any licensed health care provider.

Members please note that although certain facilities are listed as plan providers, the professional services for interpretations or certain diagnostics (to include, but not limited to, cardiology, emergency medicine, neurology, and pulmonology services) may be rendered by non-plan providers. The patient may be responsible for services rendered by non-plan providers.